Our programs

Main Program

This program was developed to promote our children’s whole development with a holistic approach to complement the formal education they receive at the conventional schools.

COVID-19 Emergency Aid

The COVID-19 crises had a stronger impact in vulnerable communities. This EMERGENCY program was created to support more than 500 families in need.

Women Empowerment
(Families with Love Extension)

We believe education is the best tool to transform people’s lives forever. This program was created to provide formal education to women that haven’t had the opportunity to finish their studies.

Families with Love

The families enrolled within our program receive in a monthly bases a grocery basket with basic food and essentials supply. This is an emergency measure to help them through difficult times and not to promote dependency.


Promote the children's whole development!

This program was created to promote our children’s whole development with a holistic approach to complement the formal education they receive at the conventional schools.

Global values is the program’s core. In addition they have many different activities that gives them the opportunity to express their emotions and develop their body habilities.

Combined, our activities are able to reach the mind, the soul and the body. All of these in a safe enviroment, full of joy, love and friendship. 

We also have another four program extensions to adress problems we’ve identified along the way: Always with you, external activities, seeds of peace and reforestation journey.

Currently we are able to host 130 children from 4 to 18 years. All of them live with their families within the community and most of our activities take place on Saturdays from 07:30 am to 12:00 am.

Our Objectives

  1. Complement their formal education
  2. Prevent teenage pregnancy
  3. Prevent drug usage and addiction
  4. Prevent School drop out
  5. Prevent Child Sexual Abuse
  6. Support a high “Saber 11º” result – National Exam
  7. Develop cognitive and emotional habilities
  8. Have fun
  9. Develop a moral and ethic caracther
  10. Prepare the children to the world 


"COVID-19" aid

Vulnerable communities were the most affected!

No one could predict the COVID-19 crises. Despite of all the counter measures, vulnerable communities were the most effected.

In Aguás Claras, the unemployment rate and the level of informality are very high. Most of the families could not find any other source of income and unfortunately the governmental assistance packages were not enought to solve the problem.

As an emergency measure we created a TASK FORCE to support the families in need. More than 500 families are receiving the benefit from march until the end of August. Another neighborhoods in the area were also included in the program to increase the impact and support more families.


Our Objectives

  1. Support as most families as possible during the COVID-19 crises.


Families with love

Developed to reliev, support and educate!

The families enrolled within our program receive in a monthly bases a grocery basket with basic food and essentials supply. This is an emergency measure to help them through difficult times and not to promote dependency.

For this reason, the benefit only lasts for six months or until they find a job. Exceptions are made for families where it´s member are enable to work.

Our goal is also to transform their reality from within, giving them the right tool to improve their emotional life quality in our Parent’s Workshops.

Currently 60 families receive the benefit and attend our Parent’s Workshop every first Sunday of each month.


Our Objectives

  1. Reliev, support the families through difficult times
  2. Educate their souls with global values instructions
  3. Prevent domestic violence and violence against women
  4. Prevent Child Sexual Abuse
  5. Prevent Alcoholism
  6. Complement our “Educate” program with “Parents Workshops”.


Women empowerment

Together we can do more!

We believe education is the best tool to transform people’s lives forever. as part of the families with love program, Women Empowerment was created to provide formal education to women that haven’t had the opportunity to finish their studies.

Among our children’s families, almost 30% of them are composed by single-moms. Another 20% are families where the mother is the responsible for the highest income share.

However, most of them have informal jobs and many lose their jobs because there is no one to look after their kids. 

Almost all of them were  teenagers when they gave birth, what also prevented them to finish their studies and going to college.

Without the right opportunities in their lives, the cycles of poverty are renewed through out every generation.

But we are here to change it!


Our Objectives

  1. Provide formal education to single and breadwinner moms
  2. Break the poverty cycles through our generations
  3. Take the moms out of informality
